ENGLISH“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour.” - Charles Dickens During their English lessons, students explored the world of literature through two humorous texts--Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture by Jerome K. Jerome and The Ad-dressing of Cats by T.S. Eliot. These readings enabled students to identify irony and humour, sharpening their skills in critical analysis. Additionally, emphasis was placed on structured answer writing and the importance of presenting work neatly. Grammar lessons covered - VERBS : formation of verbs, verb forms, subject-verb agreement, and the use of phrasal verbs. SCIENCE"Science is simply the word we use to describe a method of organizing our curiosity." – Tim Minchin Biology: Exploring Life and Growth Biology introduces us to the fascinating characteristics that define living organisms. Students dive into hands-on activities like observing plant movements, studying the life cycle of plants, and examining stomata under the microscope. They explore essential life functions such as nutrition, growth, reproduction, and excretion, discovering how these processes support life. Chemistry: Transformations in Matter In chemistry, students journey through the states of water, learning how matter transitions from solid to liquid to gas. Through activities like observing evaporation and condensation, they explore how various factors, such as temperature and surface area, influence these changes. Real-life applications like pot-in-pot coolers and the cooling effect of evaporation help them connect classroom knowledge to everyday life. Physics: Unlocking the Power of Magnets Physics introduces students to the intriguing world of magnets, where they learn about magnetic properties and identify magnetic versus non-magnetic substances. Lab activities demonstrate the forces of attraction and repulsion and allow students to explore the concept of Earth as a giant magnet. These experiments give a tangible insight into the fundamental forces shaping our world. SOCIAL SCIENCEThe young historians of Grade VI continued their journey to the past. Religion is the search for the ultimate meaning. The students gained insights into the principles and practices of the Vedic religion. They understood the various problems of the Vedic religion, which led to the emergence of religions like Jainism and Buddhism. The students were elated to learn about the great spiritual reformers Vardhamana Mahavira and Gautama Buddha. They engaged themselves in many activities, like poster making on Buddhism and narration of interesting stories about the lives of Buddha and Mahavira. In Geography, students explored the vastness of oceans and continents that shape the geography of our planet and support various forms of life. Understanding these large divisions of our planet, their location extent, and feature theories helped our budding learners appreciate the complexity, diversity, and interconnectedness of ecosystems. The students were excited to learn about the workings of local self-government. They gained insights into the importance of the involvement of people in the functioning of a country. They were able to understand the literal meaning of Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayats. Students were engaged in solving problems through case studies. A model Gram Panchayat was organised in class where the students enacted the role of the Sarpanch and the Panchs and discussed various issues and came up with unique solutions to those problems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=jtjmlRc-ibM https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=MMAM0g3SxTM https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=CmywwIa3mlA MATHEMATICSThe month began with discussions on midterm assessment answers to help students review and consolidate their understanding. We introduced fractions through hands-on activities using a fraction kit, reinforcing the basics and exploring conversions between mixed and improper fractions. Students also practised simplifying fractions to their lowest terms. Real-life applications were integrated through problems involving unlike fractions to make the concepts relatable. As the month progressed, weekend worksheets and mental math practice on Quizizz were provided to reinforce their learning and build confidence in ongoing concepts. HINDIपाठ- सूरज का इंतज़ार के द्वारा छात्रों के अंदर ऐतिहासिक प्रसंगो के प्रति रूचि विकसित करना। इस लिंक के माध्यम से छात्रों को गांधीजी के बारे में बताया में बताना और उनके प्रिय भजन को सुनाया गया। पाठ का सारांश नाटकीय मंचन द्वारा समझाया गया । वुका गतिविधि -(सतत विकास के लक्ष्य 4, 17 के अंतर्गत) आपका कोई दोस्त लालची प्रवृत्ति के कारण आत्मनियंत्रण खो बैठता है, उसकी सहायता कैसे करेंगे।(अनुच्छेद लेखन) कराया गया। विडिओ लिंक की सहायता से अनेकार्थी शब्दों की पहचान कराते हुए छात्रों को सूची बनाने के लिए कहा जाएगा। अनेकार्थी शब्द का उदहारण सहित अर्थ एवं वाक्य रचना के द्वारा अंतर स्पष्ट किया जाएगा। अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया। विडिओ लिंक की सहायता से वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द की पहचान कराते हुए पुस्तकीय अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया। इस तरह के अभ्यास से भाषा को प्रभावशाली बनाते हुए नए शब्दों से परिचित कराया गया। शब्द रचना शुरू करने से पहले उनसे वर्णो के बारे में मौखिक रूप से बात की गई कि शब्द कैसे और किसके मेल से बनते हैं। विडियो दिखाया गया। सार्थक निरर्थक शब्दों के बारे में समझाया गया। मस्तिष्क मानचित्र की सहायता से शब्द के भेद और उनकी पहचान बताई गई। छात्र अपने मन के भावों की अभिव्यक्ति में सक्षम होंगे। तत्सम, तदभव, देशज,विदेशी – पाठ के पठन के दौरान संस्कृत के शुद्ध शब्दों का ज्ञान कराया गया। छात्रों को व्याकरणिक ज्ञान व व्यवहारिक ज्ञान में सामंजस्य स्थापित करने की योग्यता का विकास करना । पीपीटी के माध्यम से रूढ़ शब्द, योगिक शब्द और योगरूढ़ के बारे में समझाया गया । अधिक जानकारी एवं संदेह दूर करने के लिए कुछ मिले-जुले हुए शब्द दिए गए, छात्र समझ के अनुसार उसमें से छाँटकर अलग करके लिखेंगे। विभिन्न परिस्थितियों पर आधारित संवाद सिखाकर रचनात्मक कला कौशल का विकास करेंगे। उपर्युक्त विषयों की पुनरावृत्ति कराते हुए छात्रों का मूल्यांकन किया गया। https://youtu.be/aeLPPk53ga8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y9Nvmq2wP4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kITT5t51k7w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdAwURODcdY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q2UlkvqerI FRENCHIn October, Grade 6 French students focused on revising key grammatical concepts, including the verbs être and avoid, as well as the use of indefinite (un, une, des) and definite (le, la, les) articles. Adjectives and their agreement with nouns were also emphasized. We discussed the SA-1 answer sheets, helping students understand their mistakes and areas for improvement. In addition, students practised reading and pronunciation from Chapter 6 and revisited the verb avoir along with learning the days of the week in French. Looking ahead, we conducted Class Test 1, introduced vocabulary for facial features (les parties du visage), and body parts (les parties du corps), and worked on numbers 51-60, continuing to build their language skills progressively. We also learn about animals, zoos, and natural parks in France. SPANISHIn the past month, our Spanish class has delved into several important topics that have enhanced students’ language skills. We focused on the topics'mi ciudad’ and weather. We learnt to describe our town and say what all the places are there in a town. Students were also able to say how near or far are the places using cerca and lejos. Students also learnt to write an informal letter to a friend describing the weather and saying what the weather is like in different seasons. We also explored the versatile verbs'ser'' and ‘estar’ which allowed us to talk and describe different places in town, such as El Museo, Castillo, El Aeropuerto, El Puerto, etc. GERMANIn October Modul 2, Lektion 1, we dove into the Weigel family's house to expand our vocabulary about rooms and objects. We learned key rooms such as das Wohnzimmer (living room), die Küche (kitchen), das Schlafzimmer (bedroom), das Bad (bathroom), and das Esszimmer (dining room). Using of adjectives in german to describe a room. We also focused on asking about rooms using the question word "Was?" (What?), with examples like "Was ist das?". We familiarized ourselves with common objects found in these rooms, including das Sofa (sofa), der Tisch (table), der Stuhl (chair), der Kühlschrank (refrigerator), and die Lampe (lamp). Additionally, we practiced using definite articles (der, die, das) and indefinite articles (ein, eine) in our sentences. For instance, we said "Das ist ein Tisch." (That is a table.) and "Das ist keine Lampe." (That is not a lamp.). We learned to connect ideas with conjunctions: "Ich habe einen Stuhl und einen Tisch." (I have a chair and a table.) or "Ich habe einen Kühlschrank, aber keine Waschmaschine." (I have a refrigerator, but not a washing machine.). To wrap up, we created flashcards for the rooms and objects and paired up to ask and answer questions. It was a great month learning about "Das Haus"! 🏡✨ SANSKRITपाठ- १० सम्प्रदानकारकः-चतुर्थी विभक्तिः, पाठ- ११ अपादानकारकः-पञ्चमी विभक्तिः को स्पष्ट किया गया साथ ही साथ [अव्ययशब्दाः, (३) धातुरुपाणि- (लट् लकारः लृट् लकारः च) - पठ्, पत्, धाव्, खाद् , गम्, नम्, भू, अस्, कृ, दा, दृश्, पा, स्मृ और क्रीड़, (४) शब्दरुपाणि- अकारांत(पु०/न०), आकारांत(स्त्री०) और सर्वनाम शब्दरुपाणि- तत् , एतत् , किम् – (तीनों लिंग) अस्मद् – युष्मद्(उभयलिंगम्)-पुनरावृत्ति] की पुनरावृत्ति करवाई गई।ICT"Animation is not merely the art of drawings in motion, but rather the art of capturing movement through drawn visuals." In the ICT class, students engaged with Animate CC software, completing hands-on exercises to deepen their understanding. They explored techniques for creating and grouping objects, mastered frame-by-frame animation, and applied the Motion Tween method. As a culminating project, students designed an animated poster utilizing the features of Animate CC to showcase their learning. PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBadminton: Warm-Up, Jogging Around the Court,Dynamic Stretches: Focus on wrists, shoulders, legs, Footwork Drills, Racket Grip Practice, Forehand Grip, Backhand Grip, Footwork Basics, Shuffling Drill, Front and Back Movement, Shadow Play, Basic Shots Practice, Serve Practice, Clear Shots, Drop Shots, Rally and Control. Gymnastics: Floor exercise round off, bars, swing and support position, vault jumping with spring board. Judo: Ushiro sabaki (Movement), Stretching, Warm up with a mirror game, Exercise, Ushiro Sabaki (Movement), Fun activity (in or out), Cooldown / Meditation. Mae sabaki (Movement), Stretching, General warm up, Fun activity (dodgeball), Cooldown / Meditation. Cricket: Bowling drills, Agility and speed drills, Practice matches, Hand-eye coordination games. Shooting: Shooting Techniques (Timed Fire), Introduce the timed fire shooting technique, Demonstrate and have students practice shooting at targets within a set time limit,10 shots fire. Fundamentals of the Shoot (Student will learn the followings), Preparation, Aim, Breathing,Trigger control, Follow through, Scoring. Football: Heading & Throwing: skills taught ● Approach, Take off, Hang arch, Landing, Forehead heading in front on ground, Forehead heading with jump. Passing & Receiving: Recap dribbling fundamental. ● Push pass (In Step), Push pass (out step), In step receiving the ball Shooting & Kicking: Drills to teach: ● In step, Short-distance kicking Attack: Drills to teach ● Dribbling in forward direction, Dribbling with 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3. Basketball: Basketball shooting, step back, fake and jump shot, 3*3 format matches, 5*5 format matches. PERFORMING ARTS & VISUAL ARTSANNUAL DAY PREPARATION LIFE SKILLSStudents explored various coping styles, focusing on ways to manage stress and emotions effectively. As part of Mental Health Month, they engaged in a creative activity, designing posters around the theme Disconnect in a Connected World. Through this activity, they emphasized the concept of "Control the Scroll," reflecting on the impact of digital habits on well-being. This exercise encouraged students to think critically about mindful technology use and to cultivate healthier routines that support emotional balance and connection. The session highlighted the importance of balancing online and offline lives, fostering resilience and self-care in an increasingly digital world.
The students took the Half Yearly Examination after several rigorous verbal and written revisions of the syllabus.
ENGLISHThe month of August saw the students planning and preaching rigorously for the parent walk-in, where they presented their knowledge of social science in creative ways. Along with the parent walk-in, the lessons were also focused on the completion of the half-yearly syllabus and revision. Students recapitulated their understanding of diary writing and story writing through classwork and worksheets. They enjoyed the 'Glad Game' in Pollyanna and learnt to look at the brighter side in any circumstances. Students revised for the exams through various revision worksheets. SCIENCE"What you sow today, you reap tomorrow." BIOLOGY: August commenced with an in-depth exploration of plants. Students delved into the vital roles of leaves, stems, flowers, and roots. A nature walk around the school grounds provided an opportunity to connect textbook knowledge with real-world observations. In the classroom, students engaged with PowerPoint presentations, educational videos, and hands-on experiences with flowers and leaves, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of plant biology. Additionally, students participated in discussions on the importance of plants in sustaining ecosystems and human life. CHEMISTRY: The topic, "Properties of Materials," engaged students in hands-on activities where they collected various objects to investigate material properties such as hardness, compressibility, and malleability. Experiments with sinking and floating objects deepened their understanding of density and buoyancy. Discussions and reflections on these activities allowed students to connect their observations with scientific principles. These explorations were supplemented by visual aids and peer collaboration, further solidifying their grasp on the subject. PHYSICS: The "Electricity and Circuits" chapter continued with a focus on electricity conservation, highlighting its connection to SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. Students conducted a school-wide survey to evaluate electricity usage, promoting awareness and responsible behavior. They also explored the components and functioning of dry cells, electric bulbs, and torches through interactive videos, detailed diagrams, and hands-on experiments. The practical applications of these concepts were emphasised, encouraging students to think critically about energy efficiency. Assessment and Preparation: To assess their knowledge, students actively participated in discussions, quizzes, and chapter reviews. Revision sessions were held in preparation for the upcoming half-year examinations, ensuring that students were well-prepared and confident in their understanding of the material. SOCIAL SCIENCEThe chapter on government introduced students to the concept of governance and its various levels using a triangular pyramid model for better understanding. A class discussion on democracy sparked debate, wherein types of democracy were clearly explained. Students differentiated key terms like prejudice, discrimination, stereotype, and inequality using flow charts and mind maps. They also explored stereotypes and discrimination, encouraging critical thinking.In History, students compared the town planning of the Harappan civilisation with that of Gurugram. In Economics, they learnt the significance of work, distinguishing between economic and non-economic activities through visuals and examples. They also related these concepts to community participation programs. To reinforce learning, objective assessments were conducted, and revision sessions were held for the upcoming half-year exams. Students engaged actively in doing a Nukkad Natak on Gender Inequality, presentations on Indus Valley Civilisation, and quizzes on time zones during their parent walk, integrating the concepts with Hindi and English. Video links were provided for further learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo33X4Mq6nUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Kvi-5HrfaYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1DkiuaFCuA MATHEMATICSThe chapter "Knowing Our Numbers" was introduced through experiential learning, connecting mathematical concepts to students' daily lives. For instance, the school's landline number was used to explain the Indian and international numeration systems, along with concepts like successor, predecessor, and expanded form. Students learnt about the number of zeroes in thousands, lakhs, and crores, and how many thousands make up a lakh. Students participated in a group flash card activity to reinforce their understanding of forming, naming, and comparing numbers. Moving on to the next chapter, "Playing With Numbers," the class began with an oral discussion on factors and multiples. Divisibility rules were reinforced through a game involving multiplication tables. Students were introduced to prime and composite numbers, twin primes, reversed-digit primes, and co-prime numbers. They practiced finding factors, multiples, and common factors and applying divisibility rules through class exercises. Additionally, they explored terms like largest, maximum, minimum, and smallest in the context of LCM (Least Common Multiple) and HCF (Highest Common Factor) and learnt about the relationship between LCM and HCF. A class test on "Knowing Numbers" and "Whole Numbers" was conducted to assess their understanding. During online sessions, students participated in quizzes on Quizizz, and weekend worksheets were provided, covering ongoing concepts with a focus on Higher-order thinking and Value-based questions. Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xayZP1OXjQ4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xayZP1OXjQ4 हिन्दीमानवता, समाजिकता, सद्भावना जैसे गुणों के प्रति चिंतन-मनन की योग्यता का विकास करते हुए ‘एक पत्र माँ के नाम’ पाठ का पठन कराया गया। वाद – विवाद के माध्यम से छात्रों ने देश में हो रहे भ्रष्टाचार एवं आर्थिक व्यवस्था के विषय में चर्चा किए। विडिओ के द्वारा ‘कारक’ विषय का परिचय दिया गया और उसके भेद उदाहरण सहित समझाते हुए अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया। भारत के दक्षिण में स्थित राज्यों की जानकारी देते हुए ‘तमिलनाडू’ पाठ पठन कराया गया। QUIZZIES के माध्यम से दोहराई कार्य हुआ। हिन्दी भाषा की विशेषता बताते हुए ‘कविता- सबकी मधुर ज़ुबान है हिन्दी’ विषय पाठ का भावार्थ समझाया गया। भाषा की महत्ता को बताते हुए ‘अपनी मातृभाषा’ पर अनुच्छेद लिखने के लिए कहा गया। शब्दकोश की वृद्धि के लिया पर्यायवाची और विलोम शब्दों का भी ज्ञान कराया गया। पाठ ‘प्लास्टिक से मुक्ति’ का पठन कराते हुए इसका सही उपयोग बताया गया। छात्रों ने प्लास्टिक का प्रयोग न करने का प्रण लिया और ‘प्रदूषण मुक्त भारत’ पर अनुच्छेद लिखे। छात्रों को पत्र की आत्मकथा बताते हुए अनौपचारिक पत्र का प्रारूप समझाया गया। विभिन्न तरह के पत्र लिखवाकर अभ्यास कराया गया। QUIZZIES तथा MS फॉर्म केई द्वारा उपर्युक्त विषयों की पुनरावृत्ति कराई गई। पेरेंट वॉक-इन में छात्रों ने ‘असमानता और भेदभाव’ विषय पर नुक्कड़ नाटक के द्वारा समाज में सबको समान दर्जा देने का संदेश दिया। इस तरह से छात्रों की कला-अभिनय का बौद्धिक विकास हुआ। भाषायी ज्ञान के साथ रचनात्मक कला का भी विकास हुआ। संबंधित लिंक- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N51MPK0Auw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf4arBJtXYs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8l09FwRdC8 FRENCHIn this month's French class, we explored various essential topics enriching our understanding of the language. We began with adjectives and les métiers (professions), followed by a reading from Chapter 4 of the textbook. We focused on mastering the article definitions and learnt to count the numbers from 31 to 50. The lessons also introduced indefinite articles and the question format Qu'est-ce que c'est?, alongside the plural of nouns and its exceptions. We explored colours, shapes, and enhanced our grammar with the verb "être" through revisions and exercises from Chapters 3 and 4. Pronunciation skills were honed with vocabulary from Chapter 4, leading into a study of the nation, countries, and nationalities, and continuing practice with numbers from 30 to 50. Reading of Chapters 4 and 5 solidified these concepts, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience for the month. SPANISHIn the past month, our Spanish class has delved into several important topics that have enhanced students’ language skills. We focused on reflexive verbs, learning how to describe our daily routines using verbs like levantar and acostar. We also explored the versatile verb "ir," which allowed us to talk about different places in town such as the estadio, the polideportico, and the commercial center. To better navigate and describe locations, students were made to practice using the prepositions “a” and "de," crucial for forming phrases like voy a la tienda (I’m going to the store). Additionally, we broadened our understanding of Hispanic culture and civilisation, exploring the rich history, traditions, and contributions of Spanish-speaking countries. This comprehensive approach has not only improved students’ language abilities but also deepened their appreciation for the cultural context of the language they are learning. GERMANLektion 3 - "Hast du Geschwister?" (Do You Have Siblings?) Welcome to another exciting chapter in our German learning journey! In Lektion 3, Let’s explore how to use German to discuss family, count numbers, and exchange contact details. 1. Hast du Geschwister? – Do you have siblings? Ja, ich habe einen Bruder und eine Schwester. Oder Ich bin Einzelkind. 2. Describing a Person To describe a person, you can use adjectives and phrases. Er/Sie ist [Adjektiv]. – : Er ist freundlich. (He is friendly.) Example: Sie ist sportlich. (She is athletic.) 3. Counting From 20 Onwards Counting is essential for giving information about age and quantities. Here’s how to count from 20 and beyond: 20 4. Asking and Giving Telephone Numbers -Wie ist deine Telefonnummer? – What is your phone number? - Meine Telefonnummer ist [Nummer]. - Ich bin [Alter] Jahre alt. Wie lautet/ist Ihre Telefonnummer? – What is your phone number? (formal) Lektion 4: Wo wohnt ihr? – Exploring German Verbs and Locations In Lektion 4, we began with how to talk about where people live using the verbs "wohnen," "sein," and "liegen." 1. Verb "wohnen" – To Live The verb "wohnen" is used to describe where someone lives. Here’s how to conjugate and use it Ich wohne in Berlin. (I live in Berlin.) Sie wohnt in München. (She lives in Munich.) Verb "sein" – To Be The verb "sein" is used to describe the state or existence of something. Wie viele seid ihr zu Hause?“ (How many are you at home. „Wir sind sechs Personen: meine Eltern, meine zwei Brüder, meine Schwester und ich.“ (We are six people: my parents, my two brothers, my sister, and me.) 3. Verb "liegen" – To Lie (Be Located) The verb "liegen" describes the location of something, usually implying that it is lying flat. Wo liegt die Stadt? (Where is the city located?) संस्कृतपाठ – ७ कर्ता कारक - प्रथमा विभक्ति: , पाठ – ८ कर्मकारक - द्वितीयविभक्ति: , पाठ – ९ करणकारक - तृतीयविभक्ति अनुवाद / चित्रवर्णनम् की विस्तृत व्याख्या की गई। ICTDuring their Information and Communication Technology (ICT) class, the students engaged in a comprehensive exploration of various functions within Microsoft Excel. They were tasked with planning a budget for their birthday party and documenting the associated expenses using Excel. In this exercise, they applied several essential functions, such as SUM, MAX, MIN, AVERAGE, and COUNT, as well as the 'TODAY' function. Additionally, they gained an understanding of different types of cell references and the methods for inserting functions and formulas within the software. The activity highlighted the practical applications of Excel in simplifying complex calculations. The class also included a revision of the half-year syllabus, with exercises completed in their notebooks and quiz links provided for further topic review. A practical session for doubt clearing was conducted, during which students received detailed explanations and demonstrations of features like merge, wrap text, flash fill, and various calculation techniques. PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBadminton: Practicing footwork and movements with a shuttlecock, wall hitting, shuttle juggling, and knocking with partners. Students were practicing 4 corners footwork and clear skill practice. Swimming: Breathing techniques inside and outside water, bubbling, freestyle kicking on spot,arm action of freestyle stroke. Gymnastics: Students practiced standing bridge, handstandbridge, kartwheel on the balancing beam and free hand jump. Judo: Ogoshi (Waist throw), Tai Sabaki (Turning movement), Uchi Komi (Technique practice) and Ukemis (Falls). Cricket: Due to maintanance of ground students played indoor Cricket at MPH and practiced Basic rules of the sport, Batting basics, Bowling basics, Fielding drills, Hand-eye coordination drills. Shooting: Weapon introduction, fundamentals and safety rules, range commands, single hand holding with 1Kg dumble. Dummy holding with the help of dummy and double hand holding without dumble. Football: Due to maintanance of ground students were going to Badminton, Gymnastics and Kho Kho. INDIAN MUSICअगस्त माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार । राग,गीत - लोक गीत माएरी । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक, प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु स्वतंत्रत दिवस कार्यक्रम मे चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने देशभक्ति गीत का प्रदर्शन किया वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेका | WESTERN MUSICSongs like "Like a Prayer" by Madonna, "One Moment in Time" by Whitney Houston, and "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey, along with instrumental pieces such as "Chariots of Fire" and "River Flows in You," provide excellent opportunities for students to practice and improve. Learning these classics enhances their vocal range, expression, timing, dynamics, emotion, powerful sustained notes, phrasing, and overall energy. Breaking the song into sections and focusing on each part individually allows students to better grasp the storytelling in the lyrics and convey it effectively in their performances. The instruments used for these pieces include guitar, piano, keyboard, chimes, and drums. WESTERN DANCEIn their Western Dance lessons with Mr. Shree Ram, the students learned: 1. The dance form: Contemporary. 2. A brief overview of the process of creation in contemporary dance by using tools of improvisation like directions, levels (0, 1, & 2), and the source of the movement technique. 3. Techniques of Contemporary Dance such as bum roll, swishes, and stomach roll. Creation: A dance routine was taught in class on the song "Teri Mitti," incorporating the above techniques. DRAMAIn August, our drama class focused on voice and breath control techniques, while also celebrating the spirit of Indian independence. Here are the key activities: • Volume Control: Students honed their ability to adjust their voices for different emotions and scenarios, learning the importance of volume variation. • Voice Projection Techniques: The class practiced projecting their voices effectively, ensuring they could be heard clearly in any setting. • Emphasis and Meaning: Students explored how stressing specific words in a sentence can alter its meaning, enhancing their expressiveness. • Freedom Struggle Discussions: We reflected on India's freedom struggle, discussing major incidents and deepening our understanding of history. • Group Performances: Each group chose an incident from the freedom struggle and performed it in class. • Independence Day Event: Students proudly performed at the school’s main event on August 15th, showcasing their dedication and talent. INDIAN DANCEStudents learned dance steps and movements centered around a patriotic theme, with choreography rooted in the traditional Kathak style. The routine incorporated key Kathak elements such as Tatkaar (intricate footwork), Hastak (hand movements), Hast Mudras (hand gestures), and Chakkars (spins). They practiced creating various floor patterns both individually and in groups, guided by the rhythmic and lyrical qualities of the song. Both the song and dance were purely classical, offering students a deeper understanding of the intricate nature of Kathak, a traditional Indian dance form. The performance was set to the song "Bharat Anokha Raag Hai…". LIFE SKILLSIn our recent life skills sessions for grades 6 to 8, students engaged in a self-assessment process, rating themselves on various personal and social skills. We introduced strategies to enhance these self-ratings, supporting their development in key life skills. Additionally, students participated in reflective exercises by completing incomplete statements, which provided us with valuable insights into their thoughts and behaviors. This approach enables us to customize our support to better address their individual needs. ARTStudents were introduced to Warli Art, a traditional Indian art form known for its simplicity and unique patterns. They explored rhythm and symmetry, creating stunning designs using tricolors. They were also introduced to UNESCO Heritage sites in India, students created stamps on particular monuments.
ENGLISHStudents returned from their summer break invigorated and eager to engage in their studies. Through the poem 'Foreign Lands,' they delighted in reliving the wonders of childhood, identifying with the child's innate curiosity to explore beyond familiar horizons. The narrative 'A Tale of Two Beasts' further enriched their understanding by illustrating the concept of perspective, and reading this short picture book deepened their comprehension of the poem's themes. Additionally, the students embarked on an exciting adventure, solving the mysteries presented in the units 'Treasure Seekers 1 and 2.' These lessons explored the idea of treasure, both tangible and intangible, obvious and hidden, which was further elucidated through an article about the historic havelis in Gurugram. This article provided a meaningful connection to the local context. Students completed consolidated written assignments for both units in their English notebooks. They also honed their formal letter-writing skills by drafting applications to the Principal. This exercise was facilitated by pairing students to brainstorm and discuss their ideas before composing their letters. SCIENCEPhysics: With the ending of an exciting summer break and embark of another journey of learning, in the month of July, while learning about the concepts of "Electricity and Circuits" as the new unit, students learned several foundational concepts and practical skills related to electrical energy and its applications. The combination of theoretical knowledge, hands-on activities, and safety education ensured a comprehensive learning experience. Students were well-prepared to build on this knowledge in future science classes and practical applications. Lab visit: To make a simple electric circuit using few basic electrical components. Chemistry: In the month of July, students learnt various methods and criteria for classifying materials based on their physical and chemical properties in the "Chapter-Sorting Materials into Groups". The chapter provided deep insight on foundational understanding of how materials are classified based on their properties. Through hands-on activities, experiments, and discussions, students gained practical skills in identifying and grouping materials. This knowledge is essential for their future studies in science and for making informed decisions about material use in everyday life. Lab visit: To sort provided materials into lustrous/non-lustrous, rough/smooth, transparent/translucent/opaque and soluble/insoluble/miscible/immiscible. Biology: I the month of July, students explored the diverse world of plants through a nature walk in the school campus, understanding their structures, functions, and importance. The nature walk gave the students a chance to observe the lovely plants around them even more closely to understand their various parts and patterns. Their deep observations and experiential learning developed immense respect and care towards these wonderful creatures around us. It also encouraged the students to actively participate towards their conservation and protection. Lab visit: To observe the process of conduction of nutrients through the stem of a plant. SOCIAL SCIENCE"In our changing world, nothing changes more than Geography" The students learned about the Globe, Latitudes, and Longitudes with much excitement. They learned about the axis of the earth and the direction in which the earth rotates. They learned about the heat zones of the Earth with an activity using a torch and globe. Map-based activities were conducted to develop students' map and direction skills. A discussion on time zones was conducted in class. Using real life examples students understood importance of latitudes and longitudes in navigation , disaster management , migration and tracking . In Civics, the students explored the meaning of diversity and its importance in creating a harmonious society .They were excited to learn about the new terms Prejudice , Stereotypes , Discrimination and Inequality .They identified major prejudice and stereotypes in our daily lives .They further created a poster on Breaking Stereotypes as an effort to promote equality and prevent discrimination They analyzed the case study of Dr B.R. Ambedkar to deepen their understanding of discrimination and inequality .A live debate was conducted on the topic-Reservation in India is good to bring Equality or it encourages inequality . The budding archaeologists and historians of Suncity School continued their journey to the past. They learned about the significant features of Harappan cities such as their sophisticated town planning and water supply. The students were explained the various Harappan sites with a PowerPoint presentation. The lives, religious beliefs, crafts, trade, and tribes of the Harappan cities were discussed. The town planning of the Harappan civilization was compared to the town planning of Gurugram [SDG 11: Sustainable cities and Communities]. They marked important sites of Harappan civilization in their Map books. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt4Sk_NRJ_c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjysGxduhH8 https://www.liveworksheets.com/mv688986mt MATHEMATICSThe month began with welcoming students back from summer vacation. A quick recap was conducted through a Hands-on activity using GeoBoard. Students presented their Holiday Homework Projects individually. Math UT 1 was distributed, and doubts were discussed. Different types of angles were explained, and students reinforced their understanding with a Hands-on paper-folding activity to create angles. They also learned how to use a protractor to draw various angles. Types of triangles were explained based on sides (Equilateral, Isosceles, Scalene) and angles (Acute, Right, Obtuse). Students were introduced to different types of quadrilaterals, including Square, Rectangle, Rhombus, and Parallelogram. Whole numbers and natural numbers were explained using a Venn Diagram, highlighting their differences. Questions from the NCERT textbook were taught in class, with additional questions assigned for practice. Worksheets based on higher-order thinking Skills (HOTS) were provided for further practice. Students completed a weekend worksheet covering ongoing concepts and a Bridge Course Art Integration activity. Links- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnaG7uFINXQ https://byjus.com/cbse/properties-quadrilaterals/ HINDIछात्रों को एक या एक से अधिक की पहचान कराते हुए वचन के बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी दी गई। वचन बदलने के नियम समझाते हुए अभ्यास कार्य करवाए गए। फ्लैश कार्ड के माध्यम से वचन की गतिविधि कराई गई। जाति व्यवस्था का विरोध, भाई-चारे का संदेश देना, ‘जियो और जीने दो’ की धारणा से अवगत कराते हुए ‘कोई नहीं पराया’ कविता का स्स्वर वचन कराया गया। सतत विकास के लक्ष्य-४ के अंतर्गत मानवता के गुणों का विकास बताते हुए छात्रों में एकता की भावना जागृत किया गया। कविता के अर्थबोध के साथ-साथ प्रश्नोंत्तर पर चर्चा की गई। शिवाजी महाराज के व्यक्तित्व से परिचय कराते हुए छात्रों को नैतिक मूल्यों से अवगत कराना । वीरता का अर्थ समझाते हुए छात्रों को समझाया गया कि वीर शब्द किस संदर्भ में प्रयोग हुआ है। पाठ का पठन कराते हुए अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया। छात्रों ने कक्षा में संवाद शैली या शिवाजी की वीरता की कोई एक कहानी सुनाकर पाठ को समझने का प्रयास किए। गतिविधि – ‘मुझे पहचानो मैं कौन हूँ के द्वारा सर्वनाम का परिचय दिया गया। पीपीटी के द्वारा सर्वनाम के भेदों को समझाया गया। पाठ का पठन व अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया। QUIZZIE और मौखिक प्रश्नों के द्वारा पाठ की पुनरावृत्ति कराई गई। क्रिया का मूलरूप तथा परिभाषा गतिविधि के द्वारा समझाया गया। पुस्तकीय अभ्यास करने में सहायता दी गई। काल की परिभाषा तथा भेद समझाए गए, नियमानुसार काल परिवर्तन के नियम समझाए गए। यू ट्यूब लिंक तथा QUIZZIE द्वारा क्रिया और काल की पुनरावृत्ति कराई गई। लिखित व मौखिक पुनरावृत्ति के द्वारा छात्र पाठों को पूर्णरूप से समझने में सक्षम रहे। इस तरह से छात्रों के भाषायी ज्ञान में वृद्धि एवं रचनात्मक कला-कौशल का विकास हुआ। संबंधित लिंक – https://quizizz.com/join?gc=91564038 https://quizizz.com/join?gc=96788557 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsDL3AI8WKc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M8nwOHwcTY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZWandP0zbs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cw7qp2CR_M&t=23s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipxPgdg0LdY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T8mcz_k94A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_E7_RkCzFk SPANISHThis past month, students have been working hard and making great progress with their Spanish language skills, focusing on verb conjugations, describing their homes, and improving their reading and writing abilities. Students began by learning how to conjugate regular AR, ER, and IR-ending verbs in the present tense. These verbs form the backbone of Spanish grammar. These conjugations have enabled students to form basic sentences and express themselves more clearly in Spanish. Using the verb "vivid", we’ve also focused on practical applications, such as using the verb “vivir’’ (to live) to talk about where they live and describe their houses. To describe their homes, students have learned a variety of adjectives. These adjectives help students provide more detailed and vivid descriptions of their living spaces. To enhance their reading skills, students completed a reading comprehension exercise about a typical Spanish house. This activity not only improved their vocabulary but also helped them understand sentence structure and context. Finally, students put their new skills into practice by writing a short passage about their own homes. FRENCHThe school welcomed back its students after a rejuvenating summer break. The session after the break began with the Revision of the grammar concepts done. To enhance their language skills further, students were encouraged to pronounce and read the French texts and vocabulary. They were also helped with the communication of their well-being and introduction in French. Revision for UT 1 was commemorated with a supportive worksheet, helping students ease back into their studies. We were delighted to witness the excitement among the students as they attempted their French exam. GERMANIn July, we started with workbook exercises and covering Modul 1 and Lektion 2. Das ist meine Familie. The students learned to introduce one's family, to elicit information about a person and reproduce the same, to report about a person, We covered definite articles "der, die,das, die" for the family. Preposition ,,von'', Possessive articles: mein/ meine, dein/deine, description of a family photo, and family tree, along with the workbook exercises. Revision Test were also conducted. SANSKRITपाठ ४ – मध्यमपुरुष, पाठ ५ – उत्तमपुरुष, पाठ ६ – अव्ययपदानि / अव्ययशब्दाः और अनुवाद / चित्रवर्णनम् - इन सभी पाठों को विस्तार से स्पष्ट किया गया। UT-I की पुनरावृत्ति कराई गई और छात्रों को उत्तरपत्रिका वितरित की गई। ICTThe students commenced a new educational journey with the introduction of a significant topic, Microsoft Excel. Throughout this module, they explored a variety of fundamental concepts, such as entering numbers in text, date, and time formats. Additionally, they acquainted themselves with essential functions like Undo and Redo, thereby gaining a thorough understanding of these foundational features. Furthermore, the students developed proficiency in managing the layout of spreadsheets by efficiently inserting and deleting columns and rows, as well as adjusting the height and width of these elements to enhance their overall presentation. As part of their comprehensive learning experience, the students meticulously documented their on-screen activities and timings over the course of one week. This exercise involved capturing critical details such as dates, timings, applications used, purposes, and the devices employed. With this data, the students performed data analysis by calculating the total, maximum, and average time spent on-screen during the week. This practical application of Excel's functionalities underscored the real-world utility of the acquired skills. To reinforce their understanding and prepare for forthcoming assessments, the students engaged in an extensive review, specifically focusing on Microsoft Excel 2016. This process involved revisiting concepts and actively participating in discussions to ensure a thorough comprehension of the material. PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBadminton: Outdoor Practice: Practicing footwork and movements without a shuttlecock, wall hitting, shuttle juggling, and knocking with partners. Gymnastics: Terminology terms like vault, beam, floor exercise, uneven bars, and pommel horse were discussed, which are apparatuses used in gymnastics. Judo: Osotogari (the technique for throwing) all fall; Ushiro Ukemi; Mae Ukemi; and Yuko Ukemi. Cricket: Basics of Cricket- Understanding the objectives and equipment used in the game of cricket, including bats, balls, and wickets. Friendly matches among students. Basketball: Dribbling: Learning to control and move the basketball using right-hand and left-hand dribbles. Defensive rebounding and passing while on the move. Football: friendly matches among students. Shooting (Grade 5 and Above): Holding dumbbells with one hand, body balance exercises related to balance, i.e., planks, squats, front planks, side planks, and one leg balance. Live fire with pellets and target paper. INDIAN MUSICजुलाई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार । राग,गीत - लोक गीत माएरी । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक, प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु इंवेस्टीचर कार्यक्रम मे चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने सरस्वती वंदना का प्रदर्शन किया वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेका WESTERN MUSICStudents learned the rhythmic beat of the song “Another Day in Paradise” by Phil Collins using different instruments. They also performed the instrumental piece "Chariots of Fire" at investiture events with various musical instruments as part of their orchestrated performance. The instruments used include guitar, keyboard, piano, drums, rain stick, and chimes. WESTERN DANCEIn their Western Dance lessons with Mr. Shree Ram, the students learned: 1. The dance form: Contemporary. 2. A brief overview of the process of creation in contemporary dance by using tools of improvisation like directions, levels (0, 1, & 2), and the source of the movement technique. 3. Techniques of Contemporary Dance such as bum roll, swishes, and stomach roll. Creation: A dance routine was taught in class on the song "Teri Mitti," incorporating the above techniques. DRAMAIn July, our drama class focused on developing essential skills in voice and speech, crucial for any aspiring performer. Here’s a brief overview of our activities: Core Activities: Breathing Techniques: - Students learned the significance of proper breathing for vocal performance. They practiced deep breathing exercises to improve breath control, vital for vocal strength and clarity. Pitch and Sound Production: - Engaging activities helped students explore how different pitches are created and their role in expressing emotions. They gained insights into the role of breath and resonators in producing sound. Articulation and Speech: - The class focused on converting sound into clear speech, emphasizing articulation and clarity. This practice enhanced their ability to use their voices effectively during performances. Voice Modulation: - Students mastered the art of voice modulation, learning to alter tone and pitch to enrich storytelling. This technique is key to creating engaging and dynamic characters. "Fairy Tale Kingdom" Exercise: - In this creative exercise, students practiced voice modulation to bring different characters to life, highlighting the importance of voice in character portrayal. Improvisation Performances: - Students participated in improvisational exercises, performing various scenarios in front of the class. They used voice modulation to define their characters, showcasing their understanding of how voice can convey different traits and emotions. INDIAN DANCEIn their Indian dance classes, lessons are planned to develop skills in classical dance Kathak. Students are taught the basics of Kathak, including: The structure of Teentaal - Tatkaar in Ekgun, Dugun, and Chaugun - Hastak and movements: Urdhav Hast Chakra, Madhya Hast Chakra, Tal Hast - - Chakra, Suchita, Pushpak, Palta, and Takkar (with three taps) - The lessons are designed to help students for collaboratively use of Tatkaar and - Hastak in different laya. Dance Style: Kathak Music: Paramparik (Traditional) VISUAL ARTSStudents were introduced to Warli Art, a traditional Indian art form known for its simplicity and unique patterns. They explored rhythm and symmetry, creating stunning designs using tricolors. These artworks will be displayed in an art exhibition on the eve of Independence Day celebrations. ENGLISH"Then let me to the valley go, this pretty flower to see; that I may also learn to grow in sweet humility." Jane Taylor Literature: Building on their learnings from the poem "The Violet," students began with a modest approach, understanding the value of humility. They learned new literary devices that aided in critically analysing the poem. From the simple world of the Violet, students journeyed to the enchanting world of Peter Pan, enjoying adventures with Peter Pan, Wendy, and Tinker Bell. Through this text, they identified story elements and practiced character analysis. Grammar: Students reviewed the concepts of abstract and collective nouns and conducted a detailed study of adjectives. Writing: The young learners honed their writing skills by composing informal letters to their friends. SCIENCE"The important thing is to never stop questioning." – Albert Einstein Biology: The chapter 'Components of Food' was introduced through a recall activity where students identified nutrients on their favorite snack labels. In the Biology Lab, the students conducted a starch test on a raw potato with iodine solution, observing a color change to blue-black. They also tested for proteins in milk using copper sulphate and caustic soda, resulting in a violet color. As part of Hindi integration, students created slogans on the importance of iodine in salt. The chapter ended with discussions on 'Balanced Diet' and 'Deficiency Diseases,' emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet and its variations based on individual needs. Students learned about deficiency diseases, their causes, and prevention. Chemistry: Experiential learning engages students in critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making through personally relevant contexts. It encourages initiative, decision-making, and accountability. To teach the concepts of the chapter, Separation of Substances, various hands-on activities were conducted. To understand sedimentation, decantation, filtration, and loading, students mixed mud and water, then used alum to clear the water by making impurities stick to the alum. This demonstrated the separation process practically. Physics: Students engaged in hands-on activities to learn about various concepts in the chapter, Motion and Measurement of Distances. They measured objects like notebooks, pencil boxes, and study tables using both standard units (scales and tape measures) and non-standard units (handspan, pace, and cubit). They learned techniques to avoid parallax errors and used thread to measure curved lines. Circular objects, such as bangles, were measured with both standard and non-standard units. Additionally, students explored different types of motion through role-play and real-life examples, including a fan, a bicycle, and a pendulum clock. SOCIAL SCIENCEThe new academic session kicked off with an interactive quiz introducing students to social sciences—history, geography, and civics. Through comparing early humans and modern humans, students constructed timelines, delving into the importance of historical dates. Discussions on the significance of learning history led to understanding pre-history versus history and exploring various historical sources. Mapping rivers and early human habitats showcased geography's impact on history. Students learn about the sources of history and prehistoric cultures. Learning about map components and scale, integrated with math, enhanced spatial awareness. The students also learned about the reasons for the change of seasons, unequal days and nights, and solstices due to the movements of the Earth. In civics, students delved into family history's role and debated topics like Aatma Nirbhar Bharat. Activities like family tree creation and interviews highlighted changes in family dynamics and traditional versus modern occupations. Role-plays on cleanliness and municipal roles fostered civic engagement. The role of elections and political parties in upholding the principles of democracy was discussed. They developed an understanding of the meaning, scope, and significance of the next topic—diversity—through interactive discussions, story narration and discussion, flow charts, comparative studies, and video links. They understood the essence of the phrase 'Unity in Diversity’. The use of T-charts, videos, and diagrams enriched learning. By blending activities, discussions, and multimedia resources, students gained a holistic understanding of the social sciences, appreciating their significance in understanding and shaping the world. The students enjoyed making manuscripts and plans for their apartments, reflecting the concepts learned and integrating them with arts and math. History and civics topics were recapitulated, and practice worksheets were discussed and done in class. MATHEMATICSThe month of April started with the chapter Basic Geometical Ideas. Students were made aware that this word is derived from the Greek word ‘geometron’, which is made of two words: geo and metron. So geometry is the mathematical study of all shapes and figures. It can be seen everywhere in our everyday lives. We live in a world of shapes, and here we will see how mathematics helps us understand the basics of geometry. The lessons carried forward by checking the previous knowledge of geometry through an activity where the students were able to identify different terms like point, ray, line, line segment, etc. Students learned and practiced making different shapes like intersecting lines, parallel lines, open and closed curves, and polygons. Students enjoyed the polygon-making activity using matchsticks. The next chapter, Understanding Elementary Shapes, was also explained, and students made angles, triangles, and their types using matchboxes or sticks. "NCERT textbook questions were discussed in the class through written work. Students also learned about directions and revolutions and completed weekend worksheets covering ongoing concepts. Math UT 1 topics were recapitulated, and practice worksheets were discussed and done in the class. HINDIछात्रों का नए सत्र में स्वागत करते हुए आइसब्रेकर गतिविधि कराई गई, जिसका विषय है- ‘यदि मैं कोई बर्तन होता तो’। इस गतिविधि के माध्यम से सभी बच्चों ने अपने नैतिक विचारों को एक दूसरे के साथ साझा किए। व्याकरण संबोध पुस्तक से पाठ- भाषा,बोली,लिपि और व्याकरण का पठन कराते हुए मौखिक व लिखित अभ्यास करवाया गया। छात्रों ने अपने-अपने क्षेत्रों में बोली जाने वाली भाषाओं के बारे में चर्चा की। छात्रों ने देशी भाषाओं के साथ-साथ विदेशी भाषाओं व उनकी लिपियों के बारे में जाना। समानार्थी शब्दों का परिचय विडिओ लिंक के द्वारा कराते हुए पठन और पुस्तकीय अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया। गतिविधि के माध्यम से विलोम शब्दों की जानकारी देते हुए पुस्तकीय अभ्यास कराया गया। प्रातःकाल की महिमा का गुणगान बताते हुए पाठ्यपुस्तक गुंजन से ‘नवभारत’ कविता का भावार्थ बताया गया। तदुपरान्त पाठ का शब्दार्थ एवं प्रश्नोत्तर कराया गया। पाठ वर्णमाला व वर्ण-विच्छेद में छात्रों ने वर्ण के भेद व उनके उच्चारण को समझा जिससे वे वर्ण-विच्छेद व वर्ण संयोग करने में सफल हो सके। छात्रों ने अपनी तरफ से नए-नए शब्द दिए और उनका वर्णविच्छेद किया जिससे छात्रों के भाषाज्ञानार्जन में वृद्धि हो सकी । सतत विकास के लक्ष्य ३(उत्तम स्वास्थ्य एवं खुशहली ) के अंतर्गत 'पृथ्वी दिवस' के अवसर पर छात्रों ने नारा लेखन किया व पृथ्वी को नष्ट होने से कैसे बचाया जा सकता है, उसपर अपने-अपने विचार रखें। ‘विश्व स्वास्थ्य दिवस’ पर आकर्षक चित्रसहित नारा लेखन किया। पाठ्यपुस्तक गुंजन से ‘एलबम’ पाठ का सारांश समझाते हुए पुस्तकीय अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया। ‘पाठ मुत्तुलक्ष्मी’ का जीवन चरित्र-चित्रण समझाते हुए उनकी शैक्षणिक योग्यता का विस्तार एवं उपलब्धियों के बारे में बताया गया। शब्दार्थ, प्रश्नोंत्तर अभ्यास-पुस्तिका में करवाया गया। स्कूल भ्रमण के दौरान छात्रों ने मौजूदा वस्तुओं को देखकर ‘संज्ञा, लिंग, वचन व चित्र वर्णन’ की जानकारी प्राप्त की। लिखित व मौखिक पुनरावृत्ति के द्वारा छात्रों को इकाई परीक्षा के लिए पूर्णरूप से तैयार किया गया जिससे अच्छे अंक प्राप्त कर सकें। इस तरह से छात्रों के भाषायी ज्ञान में वृद्धि एवं रचनात्मक कला-कौशल का विकास हुआ। https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbFs8EOrVMc https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NGv9dEZ0pK4 https://youtu.be/x5YyShdoJ1A https://youtu.be/x5YyShdoJ1A SPANISHThis past month, students have been working hard and making great progress with their Spanish language skills, focusing on verb conjugations, describing their homes, and improving their reading and writing abilities. Students began by learning how to conjugate regular AR, ER, and IR-ending verbs in the present tense. These verbs form the backbone of Spanish grammar. These conjugations have enabled students to form basic sentences and express themselves more clearly in Spanish. Using the verb "vivir", we’ve also focused on practical applications, such as using the verb “vivir’’ (to live) to talk about where they live and describe their houses. To describe their homes, students have learned a variety of adjectives. These adjectives help students provide more detailed and vivid descriptions of their living spaces. To enhance their reading skills, students completed a reading comprehension exercise about a typical Spanish house. This activity not only improved their vocabulary but also helped them understand sentence structure and context. Finally, students put their new skills into practice by writing a short passage about their own homes. GERMANIn April, we started with a full-swing ice-breaker activity with a ball. Children went on introducing themselves and speaking about themselves. We covered Lektion 1 of the book Hallo Deutsch 1. We covered topics like how to greet others in German, how to introduce oneself, how to inquire about name and age, how to count till 100, verbs, heissen und sein", question words, wer wie?, wer wie?, and idioms. Wie geht's''also did all the workbook exercises with poster making on topic numbers. In May, we covered Modul 1 and Lektion 2. Das ist meine Familie. The students learned to introduce one's family, to elicit information about a person and reproduce the same, to report about a person, We covered definite articles "der, die,das, die" for the family. Preposition,, von'', Possessive articles: mein/meine, dein/deine, description of a family photo, and family tree, along with the workbook exercises. SANSKRITवर्णपरिचय: के अन्तर्गत संस्कृत वर्णपरिचय: - वर्णमाला, वर्ण-विच्छेद संयुक्ताक्षर, पंचमाक्षर, द्वित्वाक्षर कराया गया I शब्दरुप- अकारांत – आकारांत, अकारांत(न०)तथा सर्वनाम शब्दरुप- तत् , एतत् , किम्(तीनों लिंगों में) , अस्मद् और युष्मद् का विस्तार से विवेचन किया गया I शरीरांगों, पशुपक्षियों, रंगों-फलों - सब्जियों के संस्कृत नाम को स्पष्ट किया गयाI पाठ २- धातुपरिचय: और धातुरुपाणि -लट्- लकारा: (पठ्, पत्, धाव्, खाद् , गम्, नम्, भू, अस्, कृ, दा, दृश्य् और पा) को स्पष्ट किया गया I 1 पाठः 2 शब्दज्ञान, पाठः 3 त्रयः पुरुषाः – (धातुरूप लट्) तथा पाठ ३- प्रथमपुरुष को समझाया गयाI ICTThe official ICT session commenced with an ice-breaking session where each and every student introduced themselves along with their favourite technological gadget, software, or programme and their preferred area of ICT interest. Next, the students were introduced to Windows 10 to learn about the features of this system and had an assessment of how much they understood this topic. This session discussed the following unique characteristics of Windows 10 that are unique, compared to former versions of Windows: Some of the comprehensible features of window layout include Continuum, Cortana, Microsoft Edge, the Action Centre, and Windows Hello. Among the several factors that are contained in the lesson plan are aspects touching on the creation of several desk-top displays and ways of altering the settings of the hardware devices. They also expanded it to the Windows tabs for basic uses like creating a Windows 10 presentation with basic transitions, animations, buttons for actions, and so on. All in all, it is safe to assume that the session has been rather stimulating, helpful to students, helpful to educators, and will at times be motivating for future sessions. PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBadminton: Outdoor Practice: Practicing footwork and movements without a shuttlecock, wall hitting, shuttle juggling, and knocking with partners. Gymnastics: Terminology terms like vault, beam, floor exercise, uneven bars, and pommel horse were discussed, which are apparatuses used in gymnastics. Judo: Osotogari (the technique for throwing) all fall; Ushiro Ukemi; Mae Ukemi; and Yuko Ukemi. Cricket: Basics of Cricket- Understanding the objectives and equipment used in the game of cricket, including bats, balls, and wickets. Friendly matches among students. Basketball: Dribbling: Learning to control and move the basketball using right-hand and left-hand dribbles. Defensive rebounding and passing while on the move. Football: friendly matches among students. Shooting (Grade 5 and Above): Holding dumbbells with one hand, body balance exercises related to balance, i.e., planks, squats, front planks, side planks, and one leg balance. Live fire with pellets and target paper. INDIAN MUSICअप्रैल - मई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार । राग,गीत - लोक गीत माएरी । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक, प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु इंवेस्टीचर कार्यक्रम मे चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने राग केदार मे कृष्णा गीत का प्रदर्शन किया वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेका WESTERN MUSICSong-"Fight Song" and "Sleeping Child" by MLTR. Students will be able to learn pitch skipping, tonality, and singing in unison, individually, or in groups.Learning the time signature,arpeggious along with the melody and different chord changes Instruments used:guitar,piano,drums and congo. WESTERN DANCEIn their Western Dance lessons with Shree Ram, the students learnt: 1. The dance form: Contemporary 2. A brief overview of the process of creation in contemporary dance by using tools of improvisation like directions, levels (0,1&2) and source of the movement technique. 3. Techniques of Contemporary Dance such as Bum roll, Swishes and Stomach Roll. 4. Creation Technique (Construction and De-construction) – A dance routine was taught in the class and using this technique students had to break the pattern of the given sequence and then had to reconstruct any possible permutation and combination. DRAMAWe commenced our new session with an energetic icebreaker, igniting excitement right from the start. This month, our focus areas included: • Concentration Exercises: Progressing from basic to intricate commands to enhance listening and task-following skills. • Focus-Boosting Activities: Engaging games like "Focus Counting" and "Frog in the Pond" to refine alertness and spatial awareness. • Surroundings Awareness: Highlighting the significance of being observant both on and off the stage. • "View Outside My Window" Activity: A creative exercise aimed at boosting imagination by describing and envisioning different scenes outside a window. In May, students explored the importance of observation through various games and activities, discovering how it benefits both theater performance and everyday life. Activities like the Mirror activity and "What Are You Doing?" helped them grasp the concept of observation. During improvisations, they drew upon their observations to create and perform scenes or on-the-spot improvisations. INDIAN DANCEIn their Indian Dance lessons, the students learnt: The power of Deva Shree Ganesha, destroy all your sorrows, enhance your happiness, and create goodness all around you. Lord Ganesha bless you with worldly bounties. Keep you protected from obstacles at all times, with this thought we at Suncity started the new session with a beautiful Ganesh Vandana. Students learnt beautiful postures, mudras and body balancing along with Kathak basics- Tatkaar, Hastak, Shringar ras and body movements. Song: Hey Ganraya Dance style: Kathak LIFE SKILLSThis April, the students embarked on the "Me, Myself, and I" quest, diving into self-awareness through fun, gamified lessons. They explored their personalities, strengths, and interests, discovering what makes each of them unique. In May, the focus shifted to "Playing the Role of Me in the Real World." Students learned about social identities, in-groups and out-groups, and the concepts of prejudice and bias. Through role-playing and discussions, they gained insights into navigating social situations with empathy and respect. April and May have been transformative months, helping our students grow as self-aware and socially mindful individuals. VISUAL ARTSStudents explored cave paintings, including famous prehistoric examples like the Bhimbetka cave paintings, as part of an integrated lesson with social science. They engaged in discussions about the significance of cave art and were encouraged to create their own cave paintings. Additionally, students were introduced to doodle art and typography, expanding their artistic horizons and encouraging creativity in different forms of expression.
ENGLISHThe most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." —Thomas Edison. Oral revisions were conducted in class with the help of quizzes and tests. Written revisions and revision worksheets were completed in the notebooks. Revisions were also conducted through open-book tests and class tests. Students were instructed on writing elaborate answers. Additionally, the sample paper was discussed and completed in class. SCIENCEBIOLOGY “Effective revision is not just about memorization but about deepening understanding and mastering essential concepts.” The students of Grade VI utilized different strategies for revision, learning, and preparation for the final exam. Dedicated revision sessions for all three chapters of biology were conducted in class, which were incredibly beneficial for students. Peer teaching was employed as a powerful recapitulation technique that not only helped students revise their own understanding but also reinforced learning through teaching others. Recapitulation of chapter concepts was done through Kahoot Quiz and Google Forms Assessments as well (IT Integration). The revision worksheets of all the chapters coming in the Final Exam were shared and discussed with the students. Class tests were also conducted to prepare the students for the Final Examinations. The students were explained the correct method of answering with the help of the Blueprint and Sample Paper. PHYSICS “Effective revision is not just about memorization but about deepening understanding and mastering essential concepts.” The students of Grade VI utilized different strategies for revision, learning, and preparation for the final exam. Dedicated revision sessions for all three chapters of biology were conducted in class, which were incredibly beneficial for students. Peer teaching was employed as a powerful recapitulation technique that not only helped students revise their own understanding but also reinforced learning through teaching others. Recapitulation of chapter concepts was done through Kahoot Quiz and Google Forms Assessments as well (IT Integration). The revision worksheets of all the chapters coming in the Final Exam were shared and discussed with the students. Class tests were also conducted to prepare the students for the Final Examinations. The students were explained the correct method of answering with the help of the Blueprint and Sample Paper. CHEMISTRY "Revision is the heart of learning and writing" Nothing can be expressed and understood completely than by writing and revising it again and again. In order to enable our learners to manage time during examinations and express their ideas better in writing, regular revisions of the syllabus were conducted. SOCIAL STUDIESHISTORY 'Revision is not just about fixing mistakes, it's about perfecting your understanding and mastering the concepts ." Oral assessment was conducted on the topic "Buildings, Paintings, and Books," where students recalled the concepts and answered questions asked from them. Open-book assessments were conducted so that ample reading of the chapter and written practice were done. The revision of the annual term syllabus was conducted through open-book quizzes, mapwork revision, written assessments, and oral quizzes on Quizziz. Sample papers and blueprints were also discussed in the culminating sessions. CIVICS The students conducted a comparative study of urban and rural livelihoods and analyzed the interdependence between the two. They also recognized the role of SDG 17 in achieving sustainable economic growth. They recalled their learning by attempting a quiz on MS Forms. Written assessments and oral revisions were conducted to prepare them for the annual examinations. GEOGRAPHY The students located and marked the various physical divisions of India in their map book. Oral assessments were conducted to assess the factual and conceptual knowledge of the students. Revision assessments and oral quizzes on Quizziz were also conducted to prepare the students for the final examinations. MATHThe month commenced with the introduction of proportions, followed by engaging students in solving NCERT questions related to the topic. We then delved into the chapter on Mensuration, assessing students' comprehension through questions focusing on perimeter and area calculations. Subsequently, we explored the concept of the unitary method, engaging in practical problem-solving exercises. To reinforce our understanding, we concluded the month with comprehensive reviews, class assessments, worksheet assignments, quizzes, and dedicated sessions for clearing doubts. HINDIपुनरावृत्ति - (लिखित और मौखिक) FRENCHIn February, students delved into possessive adjectives, gaining a comprehensive understanding of their usage. Additionally, they explored the significant names of French rivers and mountains as part of a cultural segment. To reinforce their learning, they completed workbook exercises, reviewing topics crucial for the annual exam. Furthermore, students underwent an assessment of their reading skills as part of the revision process. In-class discussions also involved solving revision sheets to ensure a thorough understanding of the upcoming exam. SPANISHThis month, students completed the syllabus planned for the Annual Examination. The topic of activities to do on the weekend was discussed in class. Students learned how to use the Immediate Future tense to talk about how they are going to help at home. The class had the opportunity to enjoy an activity on "Mi ciudad" or "Qué vas a hacer este fin de semana?" Revision 1 worksheet was shared in Teams and attempted in class. Two more revisions were shared in Teams and motivated the class to attempt them in the class notebook, as well as a Sample paper that was shared as an assignment. The answer key of the worksheets was shared to compare the answers. Oral skills, reading, and speaking were tested to be added as part of the Annual Examination total. GERMANThis month, students completed the planned revisions. The sample paper was discussed, and reading exercises were conducted for a year-end evaluation. SANSKRITपुनरावृत्ति - (लिखित और मौखिक) ITThe students revised the concepts of Python, Animate CC, and Internet Services through revision sheets and sample papers. They also engaged in hands-on practice to create different programs in Python. They were guided on how to attempt the question paper. Additionally, they appeared for their theory and practical Annual Exam.
ENGLISH“Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.” - Michelle Obama The students enjoyed reading ‘The Time Machine'. The young readers prepared themselves in groups for a quiz from the play and honed their thinking skills. They read the text thoroughly, took notes and shared their views in the class. In grammar, the learners continued to develop their concept of Prepositions and Conjunctions with interactive sessions learning how these two are used in different sentences. The learners found it more interesting and resultantly grabbed the concept well. Keeping in mind Bloom’s taxonomy, they were able to APPLY the use of Prepositions and Conjunctions and IDENTIFY them in their day to day conversation. The coordinating and subordinating conjunctions were discussed with the help of 'Buddy teaching' and a handout followed by the discussion of text book exercises. In writing, the students recapitulated on their knowledge of newspaper report and article writing. They started off with a handout about the elements of newspaper report and article writing and attempted to write a few reports and articles on the basis of the samples provided to them. They attempted to draft reports and articles on the given topics individually. “Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.” - Michelle Obama The students enjoyed reading ‘The Time Machine'. The young readers prepared themselves in groups for a quiz from the play and honed their thinking skills. They read the text thoroughly, took notes and shared their views in the class. In grammar, the learners continued to develop their concept of Prepositions and Conjunctions with interactive sessions learning how these two are used in different sentences. The learners found it more interesting and resultantly grabbed the concept well. Keeping in mind Bloom’s taxonomy, they were able to APPLY the use of Prepositions and Conjunctions and IDENTIFY them in their day to day conversation. The coordinating and subordinating conjunctions were discussed with the help of 'Buddy teaching' and a handout followed by the discussion of text book exercises. In writing, the students recapitulated on their knowledge of newspaper report and article writing. They started off with a handout about the elements of newspaper report and article writing and attempted to write a few reports and articles on the basis of the samples provided to them. They attempted to draft reports and articles on the given topics individually. HINDI'भारत की वास्तुकला ,इसकी धरोहर है |' इसी कथन को सत्य साबित करते हुए साहित्य पाठ -'भारत की वास्तुकला' से छात्रों को विभिन्न प्रकार की कलाओं का ज्ञान अर्जन हुआ |प्राचीन , मध्यकालीन वआधुनिक काल में जो भी नमूने देखने को मिलते हैं , उनके बारे में छात्रों ने जाना | उत्तर से लेकर दक्षिण तक व पूर्व से लेकर पश्चिम तक भारतीय वस्तुकला फैली हुई है | सामन्य जानकारी के साथ - साथ इतिहास की जानकारी भी प्राप्त हुई | MATHChapter Algebra: The chapter Algebra was reintroduced and introduced with real-life situations where the students were encouraged to see negative numbers and reflect on what they knew about Equations and the solutions of the given equations. The value of the variable in an equation that satisfies the equation is called a solution to the equation, a trial-and-error method Pick out the solution from the values given in the bracket next to each equation and show that the other values do not satisfy the equation were explained with the help of NCERT Textbook exercise questions. For a better understanding of the generalized rule students were given an activity aligned with aligns with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17: Partnership for the Goals. Chapter Ratios and Proportions: The students were explained that in daily life, many times comparison was made between two quantities of the same type using ratios. The concept of Ratios and Proportions was given as a concept map and the exercise questions of NCERT Textbook were given importance. Students also did weekend worksheets covering ongoing concepts with mental maths practice using quizizz. SCIENCE"Revision is not merely a journey through familiar territory; it is the deliberate act of sculpting understanding, chiseling away the superfluous to reveal the refined essence of knowledge." Through the diligent use of revision sheets and oral reviews based on the chapter-Light, shadows and reflection, they equipped themselves for the upcoming UT-II. Following the assessment, the learners engaged in a comprehensive discussion of the question paper, reflecting on their understanding and application of the concepts. "Revision is an effort that makes the ordinary statements become extraordinary ones." With the above said conviction, students of Grade 6 revisited all the concepts from Chapter-Air around Us through revision sheet and oral revisions to be prepared for their UT-II attempt. Post the UT-II, Question paper for the same was discussed with the learners. Learners also understood the concept of Adaptattion and "How it helps various organisms to survive in their respective habitats?" Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-_zXiOsBQU "A revision is just another step towards perfection" Students of Grade 6 recapitulated the chapter- Body Movements for the UT-II Exam through oral revision and class tests. The question paper was discussed with the children after the assessment and answer sheets were shown to clear the doubts. The class presentation on different habitats was also done as part of peer teaching. Students brainstormed and created presentations highlighting the organisms found in their assigned habitat, along with their adaptations and how they fulfil the characteristics of living organisms. This activity helped in reinforcing 21st century Skills- Collaboration, Communication, Creative Thinking and Creativity. SOCIAL SCIENCEThe students understood the basic concepts of art and literature, including the role of paintings and books in expressing ideas and emotions. They explored the history of art, including different art form and recognized how art has evolved over time. They learnt about the Ajanta and Ellora Caves and temples of India . They explored the buildings and their architecture in ancient India .They learnt and appreciated the contributions made in the field of literature, science, mathematics and moral values by recognizing the books written by them. In Civics, the topic -Urban Livelihoods was introduced with the discussion of occupations in urban areas. Thee students identified various components of urban livelihoods, such as jobs, services, and industries. Explore and classify different types of occupations in urban areas. They understood organized and unorganized sectors with the help of Case studies of people living in urban areas. The problem of migration and the challenges faced by people in urban areas, such as congestion, pollution, and housing issues were discussed with real life examples and situations. Explore sustainable practices and solutions to mitigate environmental challenges in urban areas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uCVTEcmaYY In Geography, the students learnt about the physical features of our country. This helped them to understand the diverse geography of India. They located the major physical features of India such as rivers, mountains, plateaus, plains, deserts, and oceans on a map. They identified and name key geographical landmarks like the Himalayan mountain range, the Ganges River, the Thar Desert, and the Deccan Plateau They explored the cultural significance of physical features in India, such as the role of rivers in religious practices and the influence of mountains on cultural beliefs. They also understood how physical features have shaped the history and cultural diversity of the country. They explored the relationship between physical features and climatic conditions in different regions of India, how physical features influence the types of vegetation found in various parts of the country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq3Bh3RSUkA ICTStudents embarked on a journey of coding using Python. They were introduced to Python Programming where they were guided about installation process. They also learnt about the parts of a Python Window. They learnt about using variable in Python, difference between interactive mode and script mode. They were guided about Input function and print function. Students created diverse programs to use Python as a calculator. They also reflected on different internet services for video conferencing, elearning, ebanking and eshopping. They were guided to be responsible digital citizens while using internet. SANSKRIT |
Class TeachersMs. Palak Chawla, VI-A Archives
October 2024
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